Shipping Container Storage Unit with Vent Escape Hatch

Shipping Container Storage Unit with Vent Escape Hatch

  • 20ft New build shipping container.
  • Easy opening container door (Special levered door handle that means you don’t need to be a body builder to open the large double doors)
  • Security lock cover and specially designed shipping container padlock to make it impossible for a thief or vandal to cut the lock with bolt cutters, making sure the schools property is safe.
  • Ventilation and Environmental Control Kit that includes a whirly bird and vents to allow for airflow inside the container which helps with potential moisture condensation.
  • 1800mm Roller Door installed on the side of the container for quick and easy access on a daily basis. This is quick and easy to open.
  • Emergency Exit Vented Door. In the unlikely case that a child or adult is locked inside the storage room we have added a vented emergency door that can be opened from the inside of the container and has a built in vent to ensure there is fresh air for life support.

Shipping Container Emergency Exit and Roller Door

To find out more email or call 1300 556 991


20ft GP Shipping Container Modified With Side Doors


Workshop built from a 20ft Shipping Container